Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Truck vs a Bus

We were hit by another bus. They travel so fast and close that if you make a stop you just hope one is not behind you. I told Dad as were going along that there was a bus behind us and he knew there was but when we had to slow down and get ready to turn the bus was still moving fast towards us. Then as we readied to turn a motorcycle came around the corner and Dad had to stop so as not to hit the cyclist and the bus hit us. I got a good whip lash out of it as I felt my head jerk forward and then back. My neck was sore and I had a headache all day. One of the Philippina Sisters has done massage therapy and worked on me. Which really helped.

 This is why we don't ride public transportation and the church gives us a truck. See in this jeepney photo how everyone's knees are crowded and there is a bar that there heads have to get around.

We thought we would show you us fitting in a tricycle and on the scooter, we just don't fit.
I am so scrunched up and I couldn't find a place for my feet or knees.

This a fun jeepney "Angry bird". Thought the grandchildren would enjoy this jeepney. I have seen one decorated with Disney Princesses. If I see it again I will take photo of it for the granddaughters.

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