Friday, August 22, 2014

FHE and Medellin

We did another family home evening in Bogo last week. The family have recently joined the church. The missionaries went with us. Not only did the family show up but also the neighbor children and cousins that live down the lane. 
 Drawing a fish for the story of Jonah and the Whale
 Singing I am a "Child of God"

They served us noodle sandwiches afterwards that were actually pretty good. They were like the cellophane noodles mixed with spaghetti noodles similar to what we see in the states. It also had a few carrots and onions pieces in it. They just eat it on white bread.

 I had made some rice krispie type treats using a cereal I found here that is half plain and half chocolate. It turned out pretty good. Sister Tanner when she learned of it decided to use the same idea for a treat for the missionaries at our zone conferences. Hers were fancier because she added several kinds of cereal and M&M’s. We taught them about the atonement and talked about how FHE can help families and make them strong. A very lovely family.
 Dad sharing "Book of Mormon Stories" that they can use to teach family FHE from
A huge shell they were using for a planter

We also traveled up to Medellin and did a Temple prep class for the branch. You know when you have arrived in Medellin because of the colorful water tower. 
The small branch building in Medellin

The land is more flat here in Medellin and not so many trees.


  1. i think you should make us some noodle sandwiches when you get home,

  2. What wonderful experiences you are having. Family Home Evening is one of my favorite things and it is so great to see it shared all around the world. Families are important everywhere! Talk about a carb overload with those sandwiches! How were they?
